Need Website Maintenance?
We call it the "Care Plan"
The reason we call it the care plan is because we care. Once you’re a part of our Care Plan Family, we’ll install software on your site to allow us to monitor all the vital signs. The software will ping your site every 5 minutes 24/7/365 and let us know that everything is up and running. In the event of an outage, we’ll receive a notification within 10 minutes and call all hands on deck until the problem is diagnosed and solved. We can't guarantee that you won't get hacked or that you'll have 100% uptime even after taking all precautions. But we can guarantee that if there is an issue, we'll have your site back online in hours, not days, and you won't pay anything to recover your website to full functionality.
(Business Care Plan customers only)
Building a robust online presence takes time and attention to detail. Each month, as you invest more into the care and feeding of your web presence, the image you portray becomes more reliable and efficient at reaching your best customer. For that reason, we are busy each month keeping our knowledgebase up to date so that our customers’ online assets represent the cutting edge of the industry.
Care Plan Basics
- Ensure site is not on any IP blacklist
- Review Server Configuration
- Perform Penetration Testing
- Install Security Measures
- Uptime Monitoring
- Update Core/Theme/Plug-in Files
- 1 Hr. Support/Updates/Tweaks Per Month
- and so much more...
The Details
Things we’ll do as soon as you join the Care Plan Family
- Ensure your website is not on any IP blacklist from previous hacks
- Perform penetration testing on your website
- Scan and validate your website with Google search console
- *Make changes to your server configuration to improve security
- Include your website in up-time monitoring software (pings site every 5 mins. 24/7 to ensure up-time)
- *Clean up your server by shutting down unused accounts — FTP, email, admin and quarantining unused files
- *Change server admin credentials to a 20 character, randomly generated password
Things we’ll do each day
- Uptime monitoring - Ensure website is online and functioning
- Scan for Virus and Malware
- *Reputation scan (make sure you're site has not been blacklisted)
- *Update Wordpress Core/Theme/Plug-in Files
- *Create full database backups (31 days of back-ups stored remotely)
Things we’ll do each month
- *Change WordPress Authentication (SALT) Keys
- *Optimize WordPress database to remove bloated, unnecessary data
- *Re-scan your URL with all search engines (checking for search engine referrer redirect type hacks)
- *Provide tools to optimize your site for SEO purposes
- *1 hour troubleshooting/support/updates/tech tweaks per month
*Business Care Plan customers only
Pick a "Care Plan" and get started today!
We don't call it maintenance...we call it the "Care Plan" because we care. Pick from our package deals or let us give you a free quote on your project.

Care Plan
Good place to Start
- Ensure Site is Not Blacklisted
- Scan for malware & viruses
- Perform Penetration Testing
- One Time Full Site Backup

Care Plan
All Basic Features +
- Up-time Monitoring
- Full Site Backups Monthly
(stored off site) - 1/2 Hour Graphic Design Time
- 1/2 Hour Support/Updates/ Tech Tweaks
- Update WordPress core/theme/plugin files

Full Stack
Care Plan
All Basic & Standard Features +
- No Cost Hack Recovery
- 1 Hour Graphic Design Time
- 1 Hour Support/Updates/
Tech Tweaks - Full Site Backups Daily
(31 days stored off site) - Assess Client Server Security
- Manage Webmaster Task
(security, eMail, DNS records) - Scan Server Space for Viruses
- Provide SEO Tools & Advice

Hacked Site Recovery
Oh, NO!!! Your site is down!!!
Don't worry, we can help!
- Scan Server Space for Viruses
- Clear Server Space of All Viruses/Malware/
Malicious Scripts - Salvage Undamaged File Structure
- Restore Site from Recoved Files
(if possible) - Consult on Improving Security