You need a Professional Website Because...

Your website is the front door to your business!

Don't shut the front door! Let us help get your web presence in top shape. We primarily use Wordpress for web design and development. It's one of the most widely used CMS platforms today with an estimated 35% of all websites using it! There is so much to love about it - but if we're completely honest, we have to admit there are some things not to like as well. It started as an open source, do-it-yourself CMS. But now it's way to complex for individuals without coding experience to set up and maintain... much less keep hackers out of it!

And speaking of Security! Hacking has been a huge issue in the past few years and not just for Wordpress sites. The #1 thing people ask is; "Why would anyone want to hack my little site? I don't have any credit card numbers or customer data on my site." The answer is always money! Hackers want to steal your traffic and pass it through a pay-per-click program where they get a fraction of a cent for each stolen user. Additionally, they want to co-opt your server to do things like send out spam. Multiply that across tens of thousands of sites and someone living in an impoverished part of the world can make a living.

With so many international threats, you need an expert on your side to not just keep the wheels on but continue to protect and grow your web presence as your business grows. These days you must have a great looking website for your brand to keep up with the competition. If you're not properly prepared, you could lose your entire website or worse yet - do serious, long-term damage to your brand. Ever had a site blacklisted by Google? It ain't fun! Don't go it alone. Let us help you keep your online assets in tip top shape. We offer all of the best tools to guide business owners toward attracting your best customer.

All websites include...

Web Hosting

Hosting for 1 Year
Free Domain (1st Year)
SSL Certificate
Domain Privacy

Graphic Design

Help with Branding
Custom Design
Optimize Images
Make Favicons

Custom Emails

Up to 3 Custom Emails
Help with setup
Catchall mailbox
Email Forwarding


Lock It Down!
Install Security Measures
Setup Firewall
Optimize Server Enviroment

Pick a plan that fits your needs.


Start-up Special

$299 + 59/mo.

  • Install Wordpress & Theme
    (Includes Basic Theme)
  • 1 Year Domain & Hosting
  • 1/2 Hour Graphic Design Time
  • 1/2 Hour Support/Updates
  • 1 Page Scroller Website

Business Plus


All Basic Business +

  • Premium Theme
    (we recommend BeThemes)
  • 1 Year Domain & Hosting
  • 2 Hours Graphic Design Time
  • 2 Hours Support/Updates
  • Up to 10 Pages

Business Deluxe


For Complex Custom Sites

  • Customized Premium Theme
    (eCommerce, Membership, etc)
  • 1 Year Domain & Hosting
  • 8 Hours Graphic Design Time
  • 4 Hours Support/Updates
  • Up to 30 Pages